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New Student Account

  Please note: If someone has registered you for a class, you should already have a profile. Click here for assistance.
Contact Information
User Name:


Full Name (L/F/M):
Certificate Name: ?Certificate Name
This field holds the spelling of your name as you want it to appear on your certificate(s).

Email Address:

Phone Number:
Date of Birth:
 * Required for some classes
Social Security: ?Social Security
This field holds the LAST 4 digits of your Social Security number.

 * Required for some classes
Retired: ?Retired
This field indicates whether or not you're retired.

Group Affiliation
Group: ?Group
Select which group you're a member of (e.g. HIDTA).

Agency Information
Agency Type: ?Agency Type
What type of agency are you currently affiliated with? If none, choose "Civilian".

Agency Size:

LE - Non / Sworn: ?Law Enforcement - Non / Sworn
Are you sworn Law Enforcement? If not, choose "Non-Sworn".

LE - Career Level: ?Law Enforcement - Career Level
What level of Law Enforcement are you currently at in your career?

Line Level: Officer, Deputy, Corporal
Mid-Level: Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain
Executive Level: Major and above

LE - Years: ?Law Enforcement - Years
How many years have you been in Law Enforcement?

Assignment Now: ?Assignment Now
What is your current assignment?

Position Title: ?Position Title
What is your official title with this agency?

Employing Agency: ?Employing Agency
What is the name of the agency you work for?

Address Line 1:

Address Line 2:

Address Line 3:

Zip Code: ?Zip Code
Your agency's zip code. City and state are determined from the zip code.

Phone Number:
Supervisor Information
Supervisor Name: ?Supervisor Name
The name of your supervisor or person giving permission to attend courses.

Phone Number: ?Phone Number
The phone number of your supervisor or person giving permission to attend courses.

Email Address: ?Email Address
The email address of your supervisor or person giving permission to attend courses.